Blog 132 - AMUI Rockin' The Sexy!

First off, if you haven't stopped over at Uber yet this round ---- Get going! Super cut stuff there as always! I'm wearing Truth hair and new Eyeshadow from Veechi. Don't know if they're only going to be offered during Uber so don't miss out! The jumpsuit I'm wearing I fell in ππππ with it the moment I saw it! I knew I had to show you all what a great find this was! You can wear it with or without the sleeves and there's an entire HUD for changing colors. I just went with black to match my honey! There's beautiful, not tacky at all, floral patterns even! Lots of solid colors as well! I've been upping my "gold" collection too so bought these adorable new rings/bracelets from **RE** to match with the outfit! The hud actually lets you take off any part you want, each ring, bracelet, etc. It's really great! That's all for now :) Have a safe and Happy Halloween! Enjoy! How the links work: Click the name of the store and...